Where to meet

Please arrive at our office at the start time of your course. We are located on 67 Main St. #2 in Bar Harbor.
More information on directions and parking.

Getting to and from climbing areas

Clients are responsible for providing transportation for themselves and their guide at the start and completion of their scheduled course. However, we understand that there are several instances where this may not be possible: In the case of minors, those without a vehicle, or where a family member or traveling companion would be stranded if the client used their vehicle. We will make every effort to accommodate our clients in these instances. Please let us know if you will be without a vehicle for the day so we may plan accordingly.

Transportation Alternatives
Acadia National Park, like most national parks, suffers under the burden of increasing vehicular traffic. Acadia’s narrow roads and limited parking areas require all of us, especially those that operate commercially within its borders, to recognize this problem and take proactive steps to help alleviate it. For our part, Atlantic Climbing School has made it a company policy to use the ISLAND EXPLORER shuttle bus system (a free, propane-powered service operating throughout the National Park and Mount Desert Island) as much as possible. Currently, the Explorer’s limited schedule severely restricts the practicality of using it effectively for our course transportation needs. Our goal, however, as the system and its schedule expands, is to ultimately use the Island Explorer exclusively and not add a single private vehicle to Acadia’s roadways.